Thursday, April 19, 2007


(Pardon me if this post rambles a bit. David has turned up the music far too loud and I'm distracted. I'm pretty sure that's the Allman Brothers.)

Posting from the NativeDave Mobile Office -- Daisy. We're traveling to Gainesville, Florida, to receive our 1st place award from the Native Plant Society during their conference. The view is lovely. So far, I've counted Texas Bluebonnet, pink Evening Primrose, Red Clover, Lyre Leaf Sage and White Delphinium. Everything looks freshly sprinkled (by nature, not humans.)

(Is that really Krokus 'Ballroom Blitz'?)

Anyway, back to our drive. Rolling green plains peppered with wildflowers; I'm truly enjoying the scenery. Folsom is a great traveling buddy. For a while he sat on my lap and watched farm animals. He seemed puzzled by their size and grazing habits -- oh look, Giant Coneflower! Awesome. I guess Folsom never figured out why those 'big doggies' were moving slowly and not chasing each other. He's lying on the seat between us, snoozing.

(Oh good, he changed the channel. Dio's 'Rainbow in the Dark'. Is it still 1980-something?)

This morning as we were leaving, we noticed our Angel's Trumpet (Datura wrightii) is blooming. I'll upload the pics later. I would do it now but Folsom is sleeping on the camera-to-computer cord. Yes I know my dog leads a charmed life...;-)

More posts from the road soon...I hear 'Copacabana'...

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